Credit: Kintaro

Credit: Kintaro

Credit: Kintaro

Credit: Kintaro

Credit: Kintaro

Credit: Kintaro

Credit: Kintaro

Credit: Kintaro

Credit: Kintaro

Credit: Kintaro

Credit: Kintaro

Did you ever wonder what we Fantasy Makers do when none of you are around? Well, here's a hint. One chilly evening in November a bunch of us decided to stay over at the Playhouse. Some of them had to be back in the morning, and some of them had free time and wanted to "hang out" with their friends, and the end of the evening was kinda' quiet, so...

Somewhere in the middle of deciding who would sleep in which room, things got a bit playful. That happens around here more often than not, but THIS time...

The doorbell rang, and in popped a fellow who looked remarkably like one of Santa's elves, freshly-escaped from the North Pole. He was even lugging a satchel! But we recognized him at once, and the satchel, too. "Hi, Kintaro", somebody said. "I didn't know you were coming over -- no one said anything about a photo shoot!"

The photographer/elf grinned. "Just got done with a shoot and decided to say hello," he replied.

"Hey, we're all upstairs playing," she said with an evil smile. "Do you want to be the victim, the volunteer or the photographer?"

Here's the evidence. Enjoy.

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