We always want to make sure that you have the best possible experience when visiting Fantasy Makers, whether it is your first time, or if you have been exploring kink and visiting private dungeons for decades. Here are some basic guidelines to help you feel confident in reaching out to our group, visiting the house, and expressing gratitude.

Calling the house:
Our lovely receptionist Lucille is dedicated to being informative, friendly and providing proper guidance in helping you find a fun session person while navigating our schedule. Before you call, check out the profiles on this website to be properly informed and confident in knowing what activities you are looking for, and which session person/persons you desire an appointment with. Since schedules can vary, trust that our receptionist can provide the most accurate and up to date information on when each Fantasy Maker is at the house. In addition to that, she can make sure that both of you are compatible for the type of play you desire.

Scene setting through email:
Sending an email to a Fantasy Maker is a great way to let them know you are interested in visiting them at the house, and express things that you might not be able to say out loud on the phone. If you do email someone, introduce yourself politely and express your desires respectfully. Try to keep your first correspondence concise and see if they respond with interest to hear juicier details. Keep in mind that while some Fantasy Makers can reply quickly, others may have limited time to answer emails promptly. Do not be discouraged if someone does not get back to you instantly. Call the house and Lucille, our receptionist, can help you. You might find out that they are on a backpacking trip in Europe for a month. Keep in mind that if you require extensive communication before and after a scene to feel fulfilled (ex. multiple, long, scripted emails) consider offering a gratuity to that session person and they will feel like their time and dedication to your fulfillment is being respected.

Arriving for your appointment:
Take directions from Lucille and trust that she knows the best way for you to find the house. (She’s been doing it for decades.) Take into consideration traffic since we live in the Bay Area and there are times of the day where you will need to get on the road earlier than others to remain punctual. Ideally, arrive 10 minutes before your set appointment time so you may be seated in our private welcome area, and you will get a chance to do scene setting face to face with your session person.

We do not require you to show up in a 3 piece suit with a barbershop shave. We do require you to show consideration to the person you are seeing by arriving showered and fresh smelling. Stopping by after work/visiting the gym and loading up on cologne in the car can be overwhelming to Fantasy Makers. Being clean and scent free is most ideal. We will respectfully do the same. If you need access to facilities we can even provide a shower beforehand and mouthwash is readily available.

Scene Setting/Boundaries:
For the best possible experience, be prepared to provide clear communication. Perhaps you already emailed? If you haven’t, it is important that both of you discuss desires, physical limitations and personal boundaries. While many Fantasy Makers are rather intuitive, they are not mind readers. If you feel shy or downright scared, trust that the person you are seeing is here at the house because they love kinky play and genuinely enjoy people. Even the most experienced player can still get butterflies when meeting someone new. It’s part of the excitement!

Post session:
After a fun session it is important to have some time to chat and decompress. Always keep in mind that the house is shared by many and we do need to prepare the room properly for use by others. If you require a shower afterwards and your scene was elaborate in use of toys, wardrobe and equipment, remember that your session person will need to attend to cleaning and clearing the space. Be mindful and respectful of time. If you discover that you need more time to not feel rushed, require extensive aftercare, etc., perhaps book a longer session for your next visit.

If you had a wonderful experience, there are many ways to express that. We keep our donation rates low and with intention, to encourage tipping. If you read the personal profiles, some Fantasy Makers have a wish list where you can bring or send a gift to the house. Even a kind email afterwards can go a long way by writing something for their Images and Offerings. There is no act of gratitude too big or too small to let our group know that you care and appreciate what we do. Fantasy Makers put a lot of energy into providing an accessible space where people from all walks of life visit our space.

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