Yes, Darlings, there was kink before 50 Shades. There was even sex before internet porn, most of which is so boring you have to be pretty horny to watch it -- and some of it was pretty good. It's amazing, but thanks to the Internet, it's a lot harder to keep the erotic genie locked in a bottle. Thanks to Uncle Google, you can find a wealth of erotic information and entertainment without leaving the privacy of your own bedroom.
Now we have a new problem. 90% of everything is cr...uhh..."inactive ingredients". How do you find the good stuff without having to plow through a lifetime supply of **anerotic dancing?
Let us help you. We know a few books, websites, films, etc. that are eminently worth peekng at
You'll find old friends like The Story of O, Screw the Roses and Jay Wiseman's SM-101, and lots of good books you never heard of: some fact, some fiction, some ideas for a fun evening (or session). If you'd like an academic ball gag for your father-in-law who insists our favorite pastimes "just ain't natcheral" I particularly recommend the works of Robert Ardrey and Desmond Morris.
Here are some of our favorites, skipping the ones that are already on their list:
That's a start. We can add to it as we go along. If you have suggestions of your own, send 'em to; we'll slip 'em in.