
by: Jay

Every once in a while, it's fun to give you a peek into some of the things that go on at the Fantasy Makers' playhouse when you're NOT around to watch. Just a peek, mind you...

For those of you with active imaginations, we offer this picture: one of our favorite photographers caught Tatiana and Olivia at play.

As we said, there's gotta be a story behind this one, and so there is. Tatiana's choice for the winner of her contest is the following gem, with congratulations from us all to Jay:

Photo: Michael Gough

I was still trembling as she held me.  The session had taken me deep within my psyche, but now the protection of her encircling arms helped draw me back to reality.  Her hands that had so recently been instruments of pain now softly caressed my reddened back.

“You’ve been an interesting and imaginative submissive in a bunch of our sessions, so I’ve decided to give you a special treat.  Amber and Olivia have given me a wonderful birthday present, a “special” session with Olivia!  She’s agreed to my request to allow me to share it with you.”

In far to brief a time, she released her embrace and went off to prepare for the session.  I took up a position in a corner behind the throne where I could observe, but not be in the way.

In a few minutes the door opened.  Tatiana was leading Olivia, who was blindfolded with a man’s necktie.  The leather bustier pushed up her glorious breasts that were adorned with silver nipple rings.  Tatiana was somehow much different from just moments ago.  I couldn’t say exactly what it was, but she definitely was harder edged.  Even her outfit was different, much more leather and metal than she usually wore.  She tapped a black riding crop against her left hand and thigh.

“Stand at attention when I’m talking to you!” Tatiana commanded.

Olivia straightened he back and legs, her naked breasts bouncing slightly with the movement.

I tingled with the anticipation of Tatiana playing the leather domme role, and the lovely Olivia her willing slave.

As the session unfolded, I began to realize that I wasn’t just watching a typical show, which are as choreographed as a Noh drama.  The stylized dialog and ritual was missing, replaced by an intense, yet loving, complete exchange of power.  Yes, there was physical “activity”, but it was Olivia’s willing gift to Tatiana, not a play.  The endorphin rush that I’d experienced in session was dwarfed by Olivia’s obvious ecstasy as the session progressed. Tatiana glowed with perspiration from the exertion and the emotion of the session.  I longed to capture her scent, but knew I wasn’t part of the scene, just an enraptured observer.

As Olivia sagged against the restraints of the X frame, Tatiana spoke to her softly.  I had to strain to hear them; I couldn’t catch everything.  What emerged was a probing of Olivia’s deepest fears and feelings.  Tatiana gently caressed her, and helped her in the intense catharsis of the moment.  I couldn’t tell you how long this lasted; the time stood still.

As she released the restraints and held Olivia, I knew I’d just seen something special, the willing gift of complete submission and in return the help in conquering her demons.

“Thank you, my Goddess,” I whispered.

More Info - Tatiana

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